Friday, November 16, 2012

Justifiable Complaining

According to Merrium-Webster, there are two definitions of the word complain: 

1. : to express grief, pain, or discontent 

2. :  to make a formal accusation or charge

So Wednesday, after deciding to accept the 'no complaining challenge' I was feeling good about myself. Okay, maybe even a little smug.  My euphoria lasted about an hour.
It disappeared when I crossed paths with a dip-sh*t in a pickup who mistook the Walmart parking lot for the Daytona Speedway.  As I made a right turn into the lot 'Ricky Bobby' blew through the stop sign at about 40 MPH, hung a left on 2 wheels and came so close to me he nearly took my front bumper with him. 

Of course, I reacted with all of the serenity befitting a gal on a journey for peace of mind and self-improvement. I'm pretty sure I was still standing on my brakes, when I leaned on my horn and shouted "A**hole!" 

And I wondered, "Was that a complaint?" Because I'd like to think it was more of an observation.  

You can't really call it a complaint unless I had whined about it to someone. Right?  Still, I was 'expressing discontent'. But my heart was pounding in my ears, so wasn't my reaction was justified? 

Ugh. I may have to avoid driving for these 7 days, even if it might be unfair to the other drivers who need my horn-blowing and constructive critiques.

I have noticed that my complaining style is not so much premeditated tirades, as it is  knee-jerk reactions,  and avoiding them takes more of a conscious effort. 

But what about justifiable complaining? Does that count? Because sometimes I have a lot to complain about. Like war, famine, politicians and not being able to find the end of a roll of tape and reality TV stars and when I can't open a jar of mustard and when I have a conversation with my mother and I have to say everything twice. 

Okay. Maybe I'm missing the point.  We all have some reason to complain, but I guess it's a slippery slope. One minute you're complaining about your boss, whom admittedly  probably is an overpaid buffoon and moments later you've worked yourself up to a full blown rage over a broken shoelace or a bad call by a referee. 

But to be honest, I'm not even sure if I get the point. Isn't venting good for you? No doubt, its better for the vent-er than the vent-ee. It's never fun to be on the receiving end of someone's emotional dump. Especially if it's angry and often. 

So is the idea for me to become a nicer person? Someone who's easier to be around? 

I guess the only thing to do is soldier on. Chin up and mouth shut.  And when I'm behind the wheel, I'll try to keep the horn-blowing and the 'observations' to a minimum. 

I wonder. Do hand-gestures count? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hysterical, Audrey!

Thanks XOXOO